Our Teachers


Lucinda Wingert

Lulu teaches weekly Sea Change Yoga trauma-informed classes at Esther Residence, a transitional program for women exiting incarceration and/or treatment programs.

She acquired the beautiful benefits and healing attributes of practicing yoga early in high school, while undergoing the ripple effects of addiction in her home life from parents and other family members. With a deep love and passion for healing herself and others, Lulu believes yoga is one of the best remedies for all of us. She says yoga brings us to our core, it helps us slow down and gain awareness of our true nature.

In her down time, Lulu is likely dancing, hiking, traveling, making art and/or spending time with loved ones. She also does dance performances, works for Royal River Botanicals, and is passionate about working with kids. She has aspirations to study plant medicine and other forms of holistic health.

She offers other trauma-informed classes in the Bridge Studio at the Art of Awareness in South Portland, Maine and private lessons. Accompanied by her guidance in pranayama, asana and optional hands-on adjustments in Savasana to help integrate the practice, her classes provide a nurturing, grounding and calm environment.